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The Blocks tab looks like this:


The Blocks tab is designed to create thematic sections within the test. This allows you to create a common database of test questions, but configure testing depending on the target audience. For example, a certain group of employees is interested in one topic. Accordingly, the test can be configured so that employees take the test only on a specific thematic block. Questions from other thematic blocks can be omitted.

Display blocks in random order. By default, this is not active and the blocks are displayed in the order in which they were created. If activated, the active blocks will be displayed in random order.

To create a block, click the plus Add block. A new thematic block will be created.



The block contains the following elements:

image.pngcross to remove the block

image.pngblock name. By default, the system name. You can leave it, or you can change the name. To do this, click on the name, enter a new name and save.


image.png - how many questions to display for the test taker from the block. By default, it is 0 - all questions in the block are displayed. If you enter any number, the corresponding number of questions will be displayed. The number of questions displayed should always be less than or equal to the total number of questions in the block.

Display questions in random order. By default, it is not active. This means that the questions will be displayed in the order in which they are entered. When activated, the questions will be displayed in random order.

IMPORTANT!. Setting up blocks takes precedence over setting up the entire test. That is, if the test has the setting not to display questions in random order, but the block has the setting to display - then the questions in this block will be displayed in random order.

Active block. Active by default. When deactivated, the block will be inactive and the questions in the block will not be displayed to the test taker.

After the Blocks have been created, when creating questions, you will need to link them to the blocks.