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Individual development plan

A) The personal account contains individual employee development plans, as well as those in which the employee is selected as a manager/mentor.

B) If the application settings indicate that the employee can create an IDP themselves, then the button for creating an IEP will be available:


С) The individual development plan contains the following key sections:

  • Control elements;
  • Employees;
  • Additional materials in the form of files;
  • Name of competencies. Competencies in turn include:
    • Manifestation indicators;
    • Current and target level of manifestation indicators;
    • Activities aimed at developing manifestation indicators.

D) Controls include:

  • Export;
  • Delete;
  • Publish/Unpublish.


D) The file section looks like this:


E) Next comes a section with competencies and their indicators:


The logic of work and presentation is as follows:

  • There is a competence (for example, competence 1);
  • It is manifested in indicators (for example, indicator 1.1, indicator 1.2);
  • There is a scale with which the current level of development of each indicator and the target level are assessed;
  • In order to move to the target level of development of the indicator, development activities must be completed;
  • Next, development activities are implemented, and the mentor and/or manager monitor the status of their implementation.
  • As a development activity, you can select an event from the proposed list or add a course from the course catalog.

To add a course from the catalog, you need to start typing its name and the application will offer options.