Home page
The homepage of the newly installed application looks as follows: The homepage of the applicat...
Application menu
The menu consists of the following elements: - Element for collapsing the personal account menu...
Employee personal account
Moderator application menu
The moderator menu is available only to the application moderator and the administrators of your ...
Lesson Catalog
The lesson catalog section is available only to the application moderator! The lesson catalog se...
Lesson card
A lesson card in the lesson catalog contains the following elements: - Opens the lesson card ...
Adding a video lesson
When you click on the "Add Lesson" element, the add lesson card opens. The add lesson card contai...
Adding a SCORM Lesson
When you click on the "Add Lesson" element, the add lesson card opens. The add lesson card contai...
Adding a PDF Lesson
When you click on the "Add Lesson" element, the add lesson card opens. The add lesson card contai...
Adding a longread lesson
When you click on the "Add Lesson" element, the add lesson card opens. The add lesson card contai...
Copying a lesson
To copy a lesson, click on the "Copy" element in the lesson card in the catalog. A copy of the le...
Editing a lesson
Editing a lesson is available from the lesson catalog. Lesson cards in the lesson catalog contai...
Deleting a lesson
Deleting a lesson is available from the lesson catalog. Lesson cards in the lesson catalog conta...
Exporting a lesson
Exporting a lesson is available from the lesson catalog. Lesson cards in the lesson catalog cont...
Lesson statuses
Lessons have the following statuses: Publication Status: published, draft (saved without publi...
Important information about lessons
IMPORTANT! Please read carefully! The logic of building educational elements in the application ...
Adding a lesson via Import
When you click on the "Import" element, the lesson import card opens: First, download the temp...
External/In-Person Events
Events Catalog
The module "External/In-Person Events" is designed for planning, organizing, and accounting for e...
Creating an event
To create an event, click the "Add event" button а creation card will open for the event. T...
Event in the employee's personal account
Events in which the employee participates are displayed in the "My Events" tab in the personal ac...
Purpose of the "Programs" module
The "Programs" module is intended for creating comprehensive development programs. For example, p...
Interface of the programs module
The module can be opened in the moderator's menu by clicking on the element When clicked, the "...
Program Creation
To create a program, click on the element: The program creation card will open: The prog...
Deleting a Program
To remove a program, click in the list of programs. Only unpublished programs can be deleted. ...
Course Statuses
Courses have two statuses: Publication status: published; draft (saved without publication). ...
Gamification. General Mechanism
The application has a gamification module that operates with two basic entities: Points Ratin...