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Course/Test Assignments

From the main assignment menu you can:

  • Archive an assignment or group of assignments;
  • Open archived assignments;
  • Delete an assignment or group of assignments;
  • Create a new assignment.

To create an assignment, open the "Assignments" section in the moderator menu.


To add an assignment, click on the "Add assignment" button image.png


The add course/test assignment card will be opened.

  • In the "Title" field, enter the name. For example, "Information security training";
  • Select the start and end dates from the calendar.
  • You can specify the frequency: monthly, every three months, every six months, annually - repeating in the specified range of days of the month every month (six months, annually..). When selecting the frequency, the course/test will be automatically assigned at the specified frequency.
  • To add a department, click the "Department" button


In the opened window, select the department and click the "Add" button.


All employees in this department will be added:


To delete one student, click the "Delete" button (looks like a cross) image.png

To add students, click the "Employees" button.image.png

In the opened window, select employees and click the "Add" button. To add multiple employees, select the records while holding down the Ctrl button.

To add a course or test, click the "Add tests/courses" button image.png

In the opened window, select a course or test and click Add.

To delete a course/test, click the cross next to the name.

Add observers. They will be observers in the created tasks.

Notifications about assignments are visible in your personal account.

For example, in this screenshot, you can see the assigned tests in the My tests section of your personal account - test number, test name, Status, Assigned, start and end dates.

To take this test, you need to click the "Take" link in the Actions column.